Platinum Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

What to Expect During Air Conditioning Installation

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Air conditioner installation is something we at Platinum Plumbing and Heating do every day. It can be easy to think of it as routine and straightforward. But for a typical homeowner, this process only occurs once a decade, if that. If you’re a newer homeowner, you might never have gotten a new air conditioner! How could you possibly know what the process entails?

It’s always reassuring to know as much as you can before having an experience. And since we are so experienced at AC installation, we’re the perfect people to ask. What should you expect during air conditioning installation? What’s the process like, and how long does it take? We’ll tell you all about it.

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How Prompt AC Repair Protects Your Air Conditioner

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Imagine your car was losing air from one of its tires. You should get that sorted out right away, shouldn’t you? If you don’t, it will lose more and more air. Eventually, you’ll be driving on the rim, causing damage to it and potentially other parts of your car as well. And you’ll be using more gasoline because of all the drag. 

Your air conditioner is the same. When there’s a problem, even if it seems quite minor, you should have it fixed right away. If you don’t, the problem will worsen, affect other parts of your HVAC system, increase your air conditioner’s energy consumption, and drive up your utility bills. Prompt AC repair is necessary to protect your air conditioner. Let us explain why.

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Ready for Warmer Weather? Make Sure Your HVAC System Is as Well With Maintenance

Monday, March 25th, 2024

While you’re gearing up for spring, getting ready to go out and enjoy the not-so-frigid weather, admiring the blooming flowers … don’t forget that summer is not really that far away. There are some things you’ll need to do to prepare for the summer heat, and HVAC maintenance for your air conditioner should be at the top of your list. 

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Low Refrigerant in an AC Is a Big Problem!

Monday, August 14th, 2023

The refrigerant in your air conditioner is the substance that absorbs the heat from your home. Without it, you’d have nothing but an overpriced fan.

Although air conditioners are manufactured with all the refrigerant they’ll ever need, sometimes a leak allows refrigerant to escape. Once some refrigerant is lost from your AC system, it can’t function properly, and major issues develop. Here’s what to keep an eye out for.

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Our Best Tips for Lowering Your AC Bills

Monday, June 5th, 2023

In our area, people generally spend more on heating than they do on air conditioning over the course of the year. But a good portion of your electric bill throughout the summer is going to be due to trying to keep your home cool. Running your air conditioner constantly can be quite expensive, but we’ve got some great suggestions for how to make it less costly to cool your home.

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Ways Your AC Warns You of Problems With Sounds

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

With many complex systems, one of the first clues when something goes wrong is that the sound the system makes has changed. If you’ve ever noticed a click, clunk, or rattle when you’re driving your car that it never made before, you understand what we’re talking about. Air conditioners do the same thing. When issues develop, more often than not, they cause the AC unit to make surprising noises. How can you tell what the noises mean? Read on, and we’ll tell you.

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Do I Need an Air Conditioner Tune-Up Before I Use My AC?

Monday, April 10th, 2023

It’s not quite AC season yet, but it won’t be long before you find yourself overheated and want to turn your air conditioner on. That means it’s time to make sure you’re ready for that moment. Does your air conditioner need a tune-up before you turn it on? Well, that depends. Here’s how to know for sure.

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AC Repair: Do It Now or Put It Off?

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Happy Autumn! It’s time for apple picking and football, baking something delicious, and gathering with our families as the leaves change color and the air turns crisp.

But what about your nagging concern that something might be wrong with your air conditioner? Should you put that out of your mind and deal with it in the spring?

No. Before you bake that pie, make an appointment for air conditioning service in Doylestown, PA. Your air conditioner was an investment, and you’ll make the most of that investment by addressing any repair needs as promptly as possible. 

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Should I Replace or Repair My Old Air Conditioner?

Monday, September 12th, 2022

Air conditioners can last for many years. And, during that time, it’s reasonable for them to occasionally require repairs. However, if you’re starting to wonder whether it’s better to keep investing in AC repair in West Chester, PA, or if it’s time to plan on replacing the unit entirely, there are some things you should keep in mind.

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What’s Up With My AC?

Monday, June 20th, 2022

How often have you thought about your AC unit this year? Most people don’t give their units a thought until the heat waves start rolling in. Unfortunately, if your unit isn’t doing well, you’ll be in line with a lot of other people looking for air conditioning repair in Montgomery County, PA!

With warmer temperatures coming, AC units might need a bit of TLC for various reasons. They might be clogged or dirty and running a dirty unit can overwork it and eventually cause damage.

Plus, most people don’t keep up on AC maintenance during the winter. The same thing that happens to a poorly maintained car engine can happen to an AC motor. It just won’t run smoothly after being idle for so long.

When you do start using your AC, be kind to the system to help it last longer and be more energy-efficient. Here are a few tips for improving your AC efficiency.

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